Lions’ coach Mark Clark had praise for sharp-shooter Cassie Breen following his side’s 94-47 hammering of Newcastle Eagles, on Sunday.

Breen came off the bench to bury seven three-pointers on the way to a 30 point game, much to Clark’s delight:

“The most pleasing thing is that every week someone different is stepping up to lead our scoring, and Cassie shot the ball really well” he said.
“It bodes well for the Trophy final next week that she didn’t take a bad shot, and clearly we’re doing something right to get the ball to her when she’s open.”

Clark was also pleased to have his full roster available for the first time in several weeks:

“It was good to see Leah [McDerment] getting some decent minutes and again that bodes well for the coming weekend. It was the first time in a long time that we were all healthy, we were careful with Kennedy’s [Leonard] minutes as she has a bit of tendon inflammation but will be fine for the final. It’s positive to be able to play so well without the player who’s led us for the last season and a half.”
“Newcastle came to us on the back of a double-header, which is always tough, but that’s how the WBBL operates and we all have to deal with that kind of thing on occasions.”

Lions now have a full week of practice before facing Stevenoaks Suns in the WBBL Trophy final at the Emirates Arena, Glasgow, on Sunday.


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